AML Policy

Zeotar AML Policy

Anti-Money Laundering

Zeotar is committed to full compliance with Anti-Money Laundering (AML) laws and regulations

Compliance with AML Laws:

  • Zeotar adheres to the highest standards of AML compliance.

User Verification:

  • Zeotar may conduct user verification procedures to ensure compliance with AML regulations.

Reporting Suspicious Activity:

  • Users are encouraged to report any suspicious activity indicative of money laundering.

Risk-Based Approach:

  • Zeotar employs a risk-based approach to AML compliance, applying enhanced due diligence to higher-risk transactions and users.

Periodic Review:

  • This AML policy is subject to periodic review to align with changes in regulatory requirements.
  • Users will be notified of any policy updates.

Please review these policies carefully. By using Zeotar's services, you acknowledge and agree to these terms and policies. If you have any questions, contact us at [email protected]